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Most Recent Posts:
Hyams, Hyam: JTR identified? - by New Ford Shunt 34 minutes ago.
Maybrick, James: The Diary—Old Hoax or New? - by John Wheat 42 minutes ago.
General Victim Discussion: Catherine Eddowes and Mary Jane Kelly Name link - by spyglass 47 minutes ago.
Other Mysteries: Bible John (General Discussion) - by Ms Diddles 1 hour ago.
Other Mysteries: Bible John (General Discussion) - by New Waterloo 2 hours ago.
Hyams, Hyam: JTR identified? - by The Rookie Detective 3 hours ago.
Hyams, Hyam: JTR identified? - by New Ford Shunt 5 hours ago.
Other Mysteries: Bible John (General Discussion) - by Herlock Sholmes 7 hours ago.

Most Popular Threads:
Hyams, Hyam: JTR identified? - (20 posts)
Other Mysteries: Bible John (General Discussion) - (17 posts)
General Victim Discussion: Catherine Eddowes and Mary Jane Kelly Name link - (7 posts)
Maybrick, James: Maybrick Diary Typescript 1992 (KS Ver.) - (5 posts)
Maybrick, James: The Diary—Old Hoax or New? - (5 posts)
Audio -- Visual: Release Date for Kosminski Documentary - (2 posts)

Mark Galloway, Editor/Founder (1994-1997)
Paul Daniel, Editor (1997-2000)
Editor in Chief: Paul Begg
Editors: Christopher T George, Don Souden, and Adam Wood

Twelve issues per annum, approx. 60-80pp per issue. Electronic format only as of December 2005. Illustrated in full-color.
First published: 1994.

Casebook Review:

What began as the club newsletter for the Cloak and Dagger Club eventually blossomed into the mammoth Ripperologist, which has long been considered the #1 publication for the study. In December 2005, the magazine made the bold decision to move to a purely electronic format. Issues are offered to subscribers now in Adobe PDF format, and are now published monthly (as opposed to bi-monthly with the previous print editions). Although traditionalists will bemoan the loss of a paper Ripperologist, so far the electronic version has been largely welcomed by a growing subscribership. Highly recommended.

Executive Editor: Eduardo Zinna
North American Editor: Christopher T George

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Keyword Search - Search the full-text of over 2,200 pages of Ripperologist magazine online.


1994-2000   |   2000-Present

(click on covers for more information)

Related pages:
       Message Boards: Ripper Periodicals 
       Ripper Media: Ripper Notes 
       Ripper Media: Ripperana 
       Ripper Media: Ripperologist - 1994 through 2000 
       Ripper Media: Ripperoo 
       Ripper Media: Whitechapel Journal 
       Dissertations: Mr. Valentine's School 
       Dissertations: The Eloquence of Stone - A Long Look at Christ Church 
       Message Boards: Ripperologist Magazine 
       Ripper Media: Ripperologist Magazine - Keyword Search 
       Ripper Media: Short Reviews