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Irish Times
Dublin, Ireland
Tuesday, 2 October 1888

The London journals of yesterday devoted the greater part of their space to descriptions of the further horrible tragedies that were enacted in the infamous district of Whitechapel on Saturday night, and the remarks that are made in their leading columns show how acutely the shame of these inhuman deeds is felt by every responsible class of the community in the great metropolis. There can be no parallel found for them in history, and they represent a reproach to society that the whole British public, and not alone a section of it, specially appointed to check, and so far as possible toe forestal, the enterprises of crime, must bitterly feel the burden of. It surely is an experience of the most appalling description that in these latter days of the Nineteenth Century - when there is in existence a trained army of officials under the direct control and government of the State, provided with practically unlimited opportunities of tracing the courses of the evil-doer and penetrating the inmost recesses of his haunts of wickedness - the sight of policemen and of the detective should be so short as to be unable to follow at no remote distance the bloodstained footsteps of the murderer whose surpassing daring and recklessness set upon his brow the awful and recognisable mark of CAIN. Sometimes Justice is disappointed, and no man can equitably be held to account for a singular failure. But we are face to face with a whole series of butcheries, which during a considerable time past have turned a populous district of London into a human shambles, while nothing has been done to stay the moral plague. Crime has bred its like. Impunity has begotten an apparent confidence in the safety of the commission of murder, and the public are now forced to the frightful conclusion that what has transpired may only too probably stimulate the evil impulses of the abandoned in every kind and in every locality, where wickedness is familiar, and where its success is observed with a fiendish admiration. The cry to-day is, What have the detectives and the police force been doing? They got their warning weeks ago, but they failed to appreciate its importance. Crime after crime has been committed, and between them there is such a shocking similarity as to justify the belief that the perpetrator has been a single individual. It is as unnecessary as it would be painful to go into the circumstances that have already been mentioned in the news columns of the daily journals establishing this conviction. We have only now to face the fact that the successful murderer is still at large, and hat all the resources of the police department, and all the ingenuity of its servants, though placed upon the track, has failed utterly to identify and capture the guilty man. As things now stand, the people of the black district in the heart of London live in hourly fear. While the arm of the law is paralysed they have no assurance of safety, and matters have come to such a pass that additional horrors are even expected. The social peril is hardly to be exaggerated, for, as one London journal remarks, evil is sure to result from recognition of the terrible fact that murder after murder can be perpetrated in the midst of the metropolis, so to speak, undetected and unpunished, braving successfully all the efforts of the police force to bring the guilty to account. And it is added that in "the East End, selected by the author or authors of these inhuman crimes as the scene of their operations, consternation is rapidly turning into wrath, the consequences of which may at any moment prove disastrous to any person, innocent or culpable, upon whom popular suspicion may fall." There is a significant and a steadily growing disposition to blame those entrusted with the administration of criminal law, and it cannot be considered wholly unjust. A startling warning is represented by the words, now responsibly uttered, that "it could hardly be wondered at were people so desperately exasperated as the East-enders have reason to be by this appalling recurrence of bloodshed in their district to take the law into their own hands, having lost faith in the Executive to exercise the grim spectre by which they are haunted." A striking indication of the drift of feeling is afforded by the circumstance that a Vigilance Committee has been organised for Whitechapel, and that under its auspices a petition to her Majesty the QUEEN has beeen framed praying for a reversal of the policy that the HOME SECRETARY has advocated, and asking that a substantial reward should be offered for the detection and conviction of the criminal.

If it were necessary that any additional reminder should be given to the London Police Department of what is required from it this incident should offer it. As a writer in the Daily Telegraph observes, "It is a momentous and unwelcome novelty in the history of the present reign that a large body of Londoners should be driven by sheer force of calamitous circumstances to entrust their QUEEN to remedy the shortcomings of one of her own Cabinet Ministers, above all the SECRETARY of STATE for the HOME DEPARTMENT. The public who desire even in the midst of all this excitement, to judge fairly will deprecate any design to saddle the blame upon a particular individual, merely because he occupies a prominent administrative position. But at the same time it is most properly pointed out that the usual official formula - "there is nothing in the present case to justify departure from the rules" - cannot be held to apply, and that, in popular language, it is the duty of the HOME SECRETARY and of all his subordinates to "wake up," even now at the eleventh hour, lest the anger of the public should occasion a greater outcry against those individuals who ultimately must be held responsible. The LORD MAYOR of LONDON has taken the initiative upon the part of the Corporation in offering a reward of £500, and the hint thus given is not likely to be lost. But it is nothing short of a scandal that the step should so long have been delayed. The citizens of London have in this instance shown the police officials their duty, and while making even the largest allowances for the Department, the public are distinctly of the opinion that they have failed so far in their business. A body of skilful detectives, acting without that damaging jealousy which hitherto they have exhibited in their dealings with the police, ought long ago to have unravelled even the most tangled threads of the Whitechapel mystery. It is feebly suggested by the Times that "no means of detection should be left untried." What is wanted is a strong head to command alike the police and the detective departments, and while that is wanting nothing can be done.


Nothing in the definite character of a clue transpired at the inquest this afternoon n the body of Elizabeth Stride, one of the latest victims at the East End, and so far as one can gather from the voluminous narratives and theories to hand an impenetrable mystery still enshrouds these horrible crimes. Notwithstanding that the neighbourhood is filled with detectives, and that nearly every police officer of experience in the metropolis has visited the scenes of the outrages, we do not seem to be getting any nearer a solution. Sir Charles Warren personally visited Whitechapel this afternoon, and report has it that the reception accorded him was anything but cordial. A feeling is rapidly gaining ground that the resignation of Mr Munro from the Criminal Investigation Department owing to the friction between him and Sir Charles has not been productive of greater efficiency in the detective department of the police. Mr Munro not only had great experience on this side, but was extremely popular with his subordinates, and always kept in touch with them, whereas Sir Charles, owing to his martinet demeanour, can never expect to have his men well in hand. Moreover, recently, he has been directing all movements himself, with a result anything but satisfactory to the general public opinion.

The conduct of the City Police authorities in contradistinction with that of the Metropolitan Police in connection with the latest discovered murders is being freely commented on by all sections of the Press. The murder in Mitre square being within the city boundaries proper comes under the jurisdiction of the city police, who have given every facility to the Press in their unpleasant labours; while their metropolitan brethren who have charge of the Berner street outrage are by no means, it is said, anxious to assist newspaper men, but on the other hand rather frustrate them in their inquiries. One unfortunate scribe who has been on the look out for the murderer for several nights past, yesterday, with enterprise hardly to be commended, shaved off his whiskers, and, attired in female garb, perambulated the streets frequented by the assassin in the hope that he might come across him. He passed several detectives, and was unmolested until getting into the Whtiechapel road, when he was pounced on by a quick-sighted constable who charged him with being a man. Seeing that it was useless to deny it, the reporter admitted the fact, upon which he was asked, "Are you one of us?" and was answered in the negative, and it was explained why the disguise had been adopted. The constable, however, took him to the station where the Inspector on duty, after several questions, detained him, while inquiries were set on foot, and after a delay of an hour and a half, the officer being satisfied of the reporter's bona fides, liberated him.

Perhaps the most abused man at the present moment is Mr Matthews, upon whose unfortunate head a deal of public indignation is being hurled, the main pivot for this display of feeling being that the Home Office has not bowed to public opinion in the offering of a reward for the detection of the murderer. It must be admitted that since the practice of offering rewards has been discontinued the authorities have been less successful in their efforts to catch criminals, and at the present moment a long list of undetected crimes exists. The announcement that the Corporation have offered a reward of £500 for the apprehension of the perpetrator of the outrage in Mitre square is received by the public with approval.

The latest reports to hand state that considerable panic still exists in the neighbourhood of the murders, and several streets have been effected. A number of meetings have been held by the inhabitants to-night, and resolutions of all descriptions have been passed, but so much excitement exists that it would be wiser to view the surrounding circumstances with calmness before giving vent to hysterical utterance against the authorities. Of course the recent occurrences have had the effect of entirely dissipating the coroner's theory as to the motive of the Hanbury street murder. It is hardly worth while recapitulating the many theories now advanced in connection with the crimes, save that the "maniacal" hypothesis is now generally entertained.



The public indignation at the inability of the police by their existing methods to bring to justice the murderers of the six unfortunate women who have been so foully done to death in the East End of London found a practical shape to-day. The barrier of reticence which has been set up on all occasions when the representatives of the newspaper Press have been brought into contact with the police authorities for the purpose of obtaining information for the use of the public has been suddenly withdrawn, and instead of the customary stereotyped negatives and disclaimers of the officials there has showed a marked disposition to afford all necessary facilities for the publication of details, and an increased courtesy towards the members of the Press concerned. Another direction in which the officials have been awakened to a sense of their public responsibility has been by the spontaneous offers of substantial rewards by public bodies and private individuals towards the detection of the criminal or criminals guilty of these desperate crimes. Following on the refusal of the Home Secretary to place Government funds at the disposal of the police for this purpose there was much dissatisfaction expressed and the feeling which this refusal provoked, though not finding public expression at the time, has been stimulated by the more recent crimes to outward manifestation. A meeting of the Vigilance Committee, which has for some time been formed in Whitechapel, was held to-day at Mile-End, and a resolution passed calling upon the Home Office to offer a substantial Government reward for the capture and conviction of the murderer, and a letter embodying this was at once sent to the Home Secretary.

One of the murders of Sunday morning took place within the precincts of the City of London, and this fact led one of the Common Councilmen to-day to give notice that at the next meeting he would move that a reward of £250 should be offered by the Corporation for the detection of the Mitre square murderer, but the necessity for this step was removed when later in the day the Lord Mayor, Mr Polydore de Keyser, after consulting with Colonel Sir James Fraser, K.C.B., Chief Commissioner of Police of the City of London, announced that a reward of £500 would be given by the Corporation for the detection of the miscreant. The proprietors of the Financial News, a monetary organ, also came forward on behalf of several readers of that journal with a cheque for £300 which was forwarded by their request to the Home Secretary who was asked to offer that sum for the same purpose in the name of the Government. The proprietors of the Evening Post, which is also chiefly devoted to the interests of the financial world, has commenced a subscription list with a sum of fifty guineas, and has invited other contributions towards a reward fund.

The excitement which was created in parts of London on Sunday by the news of the atrocious crimes of Berner street and Mitre square was doubly intensified this morning when the daily newspapers carried the startling news into every household, and to-day there has been but one subject of conversation everywhere. Thousands of people visited the localities of the crimes, but there was nothing then to see. The police had removed all traces of the murder from the yard in Berner street where the unfortunate Elizabeth Stride was found with a terrible gash in her throat, while at Mitre square there was nothing which could recall the horrible spectacle which met the eyes of Constable Watkins at a quarter to 2 o'clock on Sunday morning. The remains of the victim had been removed to the City Mortuary, and the pavement cleaned.

In connection with the latter place, however, a startling discovery was made during this afternoon. Sergeant Dudman had his attention drawn to 36 Mitre street, a house a short distance from the spot where the murdered woman was found, and there he found what appeared to be bloodstains upon the doorway and underneath the window, as if a person had wiped his fingers on the window ledge, and drawn a bloodstained knife down part of the doorway. Mr Hurting, who lives on the premises said he had only just before noticed the stains, and then quite by accident. Almost immediately afterwards some police officer had his attention drawn to similar marks on the plate glass window of Mr Wm. Smith, at the corner of Mitre square, but Mr Smith sconted the idea that this could have anything to do with the murders, as the windows were covered at 9 o'clock by shutters. The discovery, notwithstanding, caused increased excitement for a time in the locality. The only other trace left by the murderer was a portion of an apron picked up in Goldston street which corresponded with a piece left on the body of the victim, and this seemed to show that the murderer had escaped in the direction of Whitechapel.

During the day all sorts of stories were brought to the police with the object of showing that more or less effective "clues" to the perpetrators of the murders had been obtained. One informant deposed that about half-past 10 on Saturday night a man, aged about 32 years, entered a publichouse in Batty street, Whitechapel, while the men in the publichouse were talking about the Whitechapel murders. He stated that he knew the murderer, and that they would hear about him in the morning, after which he left. It being thought that this was merely idle talk no notice was taken of the matter. Another story was to the effect that a man of light complexion had been struggling with the woman Stride in Berner street, and that he threw her down, but it being thought that it was a man and wife quarrelling nobody interfered with them. A description was circulated this morning of a man who is said to have accosted a woman in the vicinity of Commercial road on Saturday night, and to have threatened to cut her throat if she did not give him money. The woman gave him a shilling and he went away.

The young man, Albert Bachert, of 13, Newnham street, Whitechapel, has made a further statement this morning to a representative of the Press. It will be noticed that the man who spoke to him in the Three Tuns Hotel on Saturday night carried a black shining bag, and it is remarked that the only man Mrs Mortimer observed in Berner street nearly two hours afterwards also carried a black shining bag. Mrs Mortimer said - "The only man whom I had seen pass through the street previously was a young man who carried a black shining bag, who walked very fast down the street from the Commercial road. He looked up at the Club and then went round the corner by the Board School.

Albert Bachert says - On Saturday night at about seven minutes to 12 I entered the Three Tuns Hotel, Aldgate. While in there an elderly woman, shabbily dressed, came in and asked me to buy some matches. I refused, and she went out. A man who had been standing by me remarked that those persons were a nuisance, to which I responded, "Yes." He then asked me to have a glass with him, but I refused as I had just called for one myself. He then asked me if I knew how old some of the women were who were in the habit of soliciting outside. I relied that I knew, or thought, that some of them who looked about 25 were over 35, the reason they looked younger being on account of the powder and paint. He asked if I could tell him where they usually went with the men, and I replied that I heard that some went to places in Oxford street, Whitechapel, others to some houses in Whitechapel road, and others to Bishopsgate street. He then asked whether I thought they would go with him down Northumberland alley, a dark and lonely court in Fenchurch street. I said I did not know, but supposed they would. He then went outside and spoke to the woman who was selling matches and gave her something. I believe he returned to me and I bid him good night at about ten minutes past 12. I believe the woman was waiting for him. I do not think I could identify the woman, as I did not take particular notice of her, but I should know the man again. He was a dark man, about 38 years of age, height about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches. He wore a black felt hat, dark clothes (morning coat), black tie and carried a black shiny bag.

A singular discovery which is supposed to afford an important clue to the murderer is being investigated by the police at Kentish Town. It appears that about 9 o'clock this morning the proprietor of the Nelson Tavern, Victoria Road, Kentish Town, entered the urinal adjoining the premises for the purpose of pointing out to a builder some alterations he desired executed when a paper parcel was noticed behind the door. No particular importance was attached to the discovery until an hour later, when Mr Chinn, the publican, while reading the newspapers was struck with the similarity of this bundle with the one of which the police have issued a description as having been seen in the possession of the man last seen in company of the woman Stride. The police at the Kentish Town road Police Station were acquainted with the discovery , and a detective officer was at once sent out to prosecute inquiries. It was then discovered that the parcel was not picked up, but was kicked into the roadway, where the paper burst and revealed a pair of dark trousers. The description of the man wanted for the murders gives the colour of the trousers he wore to be dark. The fragments of paper were collected and found to be stained with blood, and it is stated that some hair was found also amongst some congealed blood attached to the paper. It was subsequently ascertained from some lads, who had been dragging the trousers through the Castle road, that a poor man picked up the article of clothing and carried it off. Detectives are investigating this strange discovery.


During last night and to-day no less than five men were arrested in the East End of London in connection with the murders. Three were at different times conveyed to Leman street Police Station, but one was immediately liberated. Another was detained until noon to-day, when he was set at liberty after giving a statement of his movements. He was found to have been in straitened circumstances and o have passed much of his time in common lodginghouses in Whitechapel, but there was nothing to show that he had anything to do with the murders. The third man was detained until the afternoon when he, after due inquiry, was also liberated. Of the two men detained at Commercial street, one was liberated soon after his arrest, but the other, named Frank Raper, was kept in custody. It appears he was arrested late on Saturday night at a publichouse known as "Dirty Dick's" near Liverpool street. He was standing in the bars while under the influence of liquor, and made a number of extravagant statements about the murder of Mrs Chapman and Mrs Nicholls. The bystanders sent out and obtained a constable, and when the policeman entered he was openly boasting of being the murderer, and complimenting himself on the means he had adopted to destroy all trace of his identity. He was removed to the police station, followed by a large and excited crowd. On being charged, Raper said he had no settled address, and inquiries have satisfied the police that he is not the man wanted, so eh was set free later in the day. There was a rumour early this morning that a man had been arrested in Southwark, but no intelligence of the fact was communicated to the City or Whitechapel police.

A meeting of the Whitechapel District Board of Works was held this evening - Mr Robert Gladding presiding. Mr Calmur said he thought that the board as the local authority should express their horror and abhorrence of the crime which had been perpetrated in the district. The result of these tragedies has been loss of trade in the district and the stoppage of certain trades by reason of the women being afraid to pass through the streets without an escort. The inefficiency of the police was shown by the fact that but an hour or two later than the tragedies in Berner street and Mitre square the post office in the vicinity had been broken into and much property stolen. The Rev. Daniel Greatorex said the emigrants' houses of call were feeling the panic to such an extent that emigrants refused to locate themselves in Whitechapel, even temporarily. He ascribed the inefficiency of the police to the frequent changes of the police from one district to another, whereby the men were ignorant of their beats. Mr Telfer said he hoped that those recent crimes might result in a reversion to the old system by which constables were acquainted with every corner of their beats. Mr G. T. Brown suggested that the Government should be communicated with rather than the Home Secretary or the Chief Commissioner of Police, who were really only on their trial. Mr Carnmelti said the change in the condition of Whitechapel in recent years would suggest an entire revision of the police arrangements. Whitechapel was now a place for the residuum of the whole country and the Continent, but it was not so a century ago. After further discussion the following resolution was passed on the motion of Mr Calmur, seconded by Mr Bonham:-

That this board regards with horror and alarm the several atrocious murders recently perpetrated within the district of Whitechapel and its vicinity, and calls upon Sir Charles Warren s to locate and strengthen the police force in the neighbourhood as to guard against any repetition of such atrocities, and that the Home Secretary be addressed in the same terms.

The following letter has been received this evening by the editor of the Financial News:-

October 1st, 1888.

MY DEAR SIR - I am directed by Mr Matthews to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of this date, containing a cheque for £300 which you say has been contributed on behalf of several readers of the Financial News, and which you are desirous should be offered as a reward for the discovery of the recent murders in the East End of London. If Mr Matthews had been of opinion that the offer of a reward in these cases would have been attended by any useful result he would himself have at once made such an offer, but he is not of that opinion. Under these circumstances I am directed to return to you the cheque (which I enclose), and to thank you and the gentlemen whose names you have forwarded for the liberality of their offer, which Mr Matthews much regrets he is unable to accept.

I am, sir, your very obedient servant,


Harry H. Marks, Esq.

The police are convinced that the Whitechapel murders are committed by one person. The description published of the man seen in company with one of the women murdered on Sunday morning corresponds almost exactly with that published a few days ago of a man who used violence towards a female in the same district, but made off on her screaming for help.


Up to a late hour this evening practically nothing fresh had come to the knowledge of the police in reference to the murders. Superintendent Foster, City Police, states that the rumour that a portion of the body of the woman found in Mitre square as missing was totally unfounded. The inquest upon the body, which is still unidentified, has been fixed for Thursday next at 11 o'clock. It is significant of the state of public feeling in the metropolis that constant reports are being received of the movements of what are supposed to be suspicious characters. Considerable excitement was caused in the neighbourhood of Fleet street this evening by the extraordinary statements and behaviour of a man, who was eventually taken into custody, but it is understood simply because he was creating a disturbance, and not from any belief that he had nay complicity in or knowledge of the crime. People of a similar character have been detained in other parts of the metropolitan district.



This morning, at the Vestry Hall in Cable street, St. George's-in-the-East, Mr Wynne Baxter, Coroner, opened an inquiry into the cause of the death of the woman who was found early yesterday morning brutally murdered just within the entrance to a badly lighted courtyard opening off Berner street, under circumstances already reported. The body has now been identified as that of Elizabeth Stride, known among her companions as "Long Liz." The most extraordinary excitement was evident in the locality this morning. The poorest of the inhabitants who could not afford a newspaper were assembled in small crowds in front of news agents shops, feasting upon what little information could be gleaned from newspaper placards. The scenes of the atrocities were visited by a constant stream of residents whose nervous bearing testified to the almost unprecedented feeling of alarm which has now received a fresh impetus. Strangely enough, hardly a person was outside the Vestry Hall when the Coroner's jury left to view the body, but around the dead house in St. George's-in-the-East Churchyard a large crowd, chiefly of women, was congregated. On viewing the body, it was evident that the injuries to the throat had been inflicted in the most determined manner, revealing as they do the windpipe and the smaller tubes running through the neck. The gash, which must have been inflicted by a sharp instrument owing to the absence of all jaggedness extends completely across the front of the neck, and suggests the idea that a square piece has been cut clean out leaving bare all the severed arteries. On the jury returning to the hall,

William West, of 2 William street, Commercial road, a printer, said - At No. 40 Berner street there is the International Workmen's Club. On the ground floor, facing the street, there is a window and a door which leads into a passage. At the side of the house there is a passage leading into a yard. The passage has folding gates, shutting it off from the street, and containing a smaller door. Sometimes the gates remain open all night, but as a rule they are closed and the small door in one of the gates is also locked. This duty devolves upon no particular person so far as I know. In the yard is one house arranged in small tenements, having three doors opening into the yard, out of which there are no other means of exit except through the gates mentioned. Opposite the gate is the workshop of Messrs Hindley, sack manufacturers, and I do not think there is any way out there. They occupy the second floor, the ground floor being unrented. Next to Hindley's in the yard, there is a stable - I think it is unoccupied - and adjoining this is the club. Our premises run bk a long way into the yard. The front room on the ground floor is occupied as a dining room, at the back of which is a kitchen the window and doorways opening into the passage leading to the yard. Behind the kitchen is a printing office, and a room for the editor of The Worker's Friend. On Saturday the compositors left work about noon, and the editor then came into the club, which numbers about 75 to 80 members. There is a recess beside the house divided into tenements. Persons of whatever nationality are eligible for election, providing they profess Socialistic principles. On the first floor of the club premises, where entertainments and lectures are given, there are three windows looking into the yard. In this room on Saturday night a discussion took place which ceased about midnight. It was attended by about 100 persons, the bulk of whom left the premises by the street door. About thirty members remained behind in the upper room, the windows of which were partly open. There is no lamp whatever in the yard and none in Berner street illuminates it, the only light it receives being from the house and the club. About 10 minutes past 12 I went into the yard and then saw some lights in the house as well as in the printing office where the editor was reading. Some of the club members were singing, and this could be heard in the yard. I looked towards the gates, where there was nothing unusual to attract my attention. I did not see any object on the ground, but it being dark anything might have escaped my notice. I afterwards returned to the club and left by the street door. I saw no one n the yard, and cannot recollect meeting any person in Berner street. I often proceed home about 1 a.m., but never see low women about Berner street, nor in the yard.

Morris Eagle, of 4 New road, a traveller in jewellery, said he was at the club on Saturday night, and left to see a young woman home at 11.30. He returned at 25 minutes to 1, and finding the front door closed, entered by the back door. The witness continued - I noticed nothing near the gateway, but the deceased might have been concealed by the darkness. As soon as I entered the yard I could hear singing in the club. They were singing in the Russian language. The Coroner - The "National Anthem?" The witnes - Oh no, the Russian language. (Laughter.) Continuing (he said) - I went up stairs ,and in about twenty minutes a man named Giddleman came rushing in and said "there is a woman lying dead in the yard." I went out, and striking a match found a woman lying with her feet six feet from the gate, near the club wall, with her head to the yard. Others came with me, but seemed frightened to go near. Assuming it was a drunken and not a dead woman before lighting the match I said "get up." There being no reply I then lighted the match and was fearfully upset by seeing a woman lying in a lot of blood. I immediately ran away for a policeman and found two. When we reached the yard again there were some members and some strangers who had been attracted by the cries for the police. One of the constables turned his lantern upon the deceased, while I went for the inspector. The people surrounding the body did not touch it, and all seemed too frightened to approach. On Saturday nights there is a full discussion at the club open to anyone. There were some women present on Saturday, but all of them were known to us. There were six or eight, but no strangers. Although there was singing and a little dancing, I believe we should have heard any cries such as of "murder."

Lewis Diemshitz, steward of the club in Berner street, stated that on Saturday he left the club about 11.30 p.m., his wife being in charge. He returned home exactly at 1 a.m. on Sunday. He drove home in a kind of costermonger's barrow, which he used as a stall. He always brought his goods home to the club. The witness continued - I drove into the yard through the gates, which were wide open. It was rather dark there. All at once, as I came though the gate, my pony shied to the left, and caused me to look down on the ground. On my right I could see a heap in the darkness, but was unable to distinguish what it was. I tried with my whip handle to feel what it was before I got off the barrow. Not being able to move it I jumped down and struck a match, but it being a windy night I could not get sufficient light to see much, only that the bundle was a woman. I left the pony in the yard, and entering the club found several members in the front room. I said to them "there is a woman lying in the yard," but I could not state whether she was drunk or dead. I then got a candle and could see there was a great deal of blood before I reached the body. I did not touch it but went off at once for the police. I passed several streets without seeing a constable, and I returned without one. The men with me shouted as loud as they could for the police, but we could not make one hear. When I returned to the club a man whom we met in Grove street and told about the murder lifted up the woman's head, and then for the first time I saw the wound in the throat. At the same time Eagle with two constables came up, and a doctor arrived ten minutes later. The woman's clothes were in no way disarranged. She was lying on her side with her face towards the wall of the club. The doctor untied the top of the deceased's dress, and said he found the body was quite warm. (One of the constables corroborated this statement.) I have never seen men and women in the yard, nor have I heard of them being there. All strangers and members of the club were detained, questioned, and searched. Dr. Phillips examined their clothes and hands. It would have been possible for anyone to escape unseen while I went into the club to inform the members of my discovery.

The Coroner said it was known where the deceased lived, but there was some conflicting evidence as to identification.

The inquiry was adjourned until to-morrow.



The man Waddell, suspected of being the murderer of the young woman Beetmore at Birtley, near Gateshead, was arrested this morning at the village of Yetholm, about seven miles from Kelso. During the past week he had been seen in the locality, and his movements excited some suspicion. He pretended to be in search of work, but when anyone offered him work he generally disappeared. It is believed he had been wandering from place to place within a limited distance of the borders of Northumberland and Roxburghshire ever since he disappeared from Birtley on the night of the murder. There appears little doubt of the identity of the prisoner with the man wanted for the crime. When apprehended he was going out from Yetholm towards the hill to the south-east. The apprehension was effected by Mr Stonehouse, wool dealer, Yetholm, who, noticing that the man's appearance corresponded with the published descriptions, got into conversation with him. Waddell said he was in search of harvest work. Mr Stonehouse asked him to go with him as he might find him a job, and the man assented with apparent alacrity. Mr Stonehouse succeeded in taking him to Yetholm Police Station without resistance. In reply to questions by Mr Stonehouse the prisoner admitted having recently been at Berwick, where, it may be remembered, the suspected fugitive had changed his clothing. He further admitted that his name was Waddell or Twaddell, that he had been at Birtley, and that the woman Savage was his wife. The Gateshead police having been communicated with, the prisoner will be transferred without delay to their custody.

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