Mitre Square is a small, quiet square heading off Mitre Street, Aldgate. It has three entrances: one from Mitre Street, the second leading from Duke Street via the narrow Church Passage, and the third leading from St James's Place.

Above: Contemporary police drawing of Mitre Square, Catherine's body being found in the southwest corner (drawn in on this diagram).

Above: Another shot of Mitre Square.

Above: Looking down Church Passage into Mitre Square, about on the spot where the man and woman were seen by Lawende and his friends. The scene of the murder is opposite the very end of the passage, behind the trailer. Photo courtesy of Stewart P. Evans.

Above: Standing in the north corner, at the entrance to St James Passage. Photograph facing the south corner, which was the murder site. The body of Eddowes was lying on the spot located behind the small van in the corner, near the last parked motor scooter. Photo courtesy of Stewart P. Evans.

Above: Modern Mitre Square. Eddowes's body was found just behind the bench in the back (seen between third and fourth post). Photograph courtesy of Mr. Ivor Edwards.

Above: Closer up view of the modern murder spot, which is in the garden in the forefront, just right of center. Photograph courtesy of Mr. Nick Tarrant.

Above: Another angle, the garden/planter being immediately in the foreground on the right. Photograph courtesy of Mr. John Smithkey III.

Above: One of the only Ripper murder scenes to retain its name, this is a view of Mitre Square, Aldgate. This view looks eastward at St James's Passage, which was called Church Passage at the time of the murder. The passage leads to Duke's Place and further into Aldgate. Just behind the flower box and towards the fence is the site where Catherine Eddowes was found murdered. Taken: Thursday, May 13, 1999. Photograph courtesy of Johnno.

Above: A close-up view of the modern buildings in Mitre Square which now stand in the northern corner (opposite the corner where Catherine Eddowes was found) in place of Kearley & Tonge's buildings, which stood there in 1888. The entrance to the Mitre Passage can be seen in the bottom left corner of the picture. Taken: Thursday, May 13, 1999. Photograph courtesy of Johnno.

Above: A full view of Mitre Square looking west from St James's Passage (formerly Church Passage). The murder scene is to the left of where the person is sitting. Mitre Street lies immediately behind. As can be seen from the photo, Mitre Square still retains its cobblestones, one of the very few reminders of what the square would have looked like in 1888. Taken: Thursday, May 13, 1999. Photograph courtesy of Johnno.

Above: A view of Mitre Square looking south-east from Mitre Passage. The school can be seen in the background, and St James's Passage (formerly Church Passage) can be seen to the left of the black poles. The scene of the murder is now shown, but is off to the right of the picture. Taken: Thursday, May 13, 1999. Photograph courtesy of Johnno.

Above: A view of a rain-soaked Mitre Square looking south towards the Mitre Street entrance. The murder scene is on the left side of the flower box, under the trees, as shown from this angle. Taken: Tuesday, June 29, 1999. Photograph courtesy of Johnno.