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Most Recent Posts:
Scene of the Crimes: Broad Shoulders, Elizabeth's Killer ? - by The Rookie Detective 1 hour ago.
Mary Ann Nichols: Polly’s jolly bonnet - by Holmes' Idiot Brother 6 hours ago.
General Suspect Discussion: Sir Robert Anderson's sixth victim - by Holmes' Idiot Brother 6 hours ago.
Scene of the Crimes: Broad Shoulders, Elizabeth's Killer ? - by JeffHamm 7 hours ago.
Pub Talk: Irritations - by Enigma 8 hours ago.
Pub Talk: Study Shows Reducing 20 Ounce Pint of Beer Would Have Great Health Impacts in UK - by Enigma 8 hours ago.
Pub Talk: Study Shows Reducing 20 Ounce Pint of Beer Would Have Great Health Impacts in UK - by Herlock Sholmes 11 hours ago.
Scene of the Crimes: Broad Shoulders, Elizabeth's Killer ? - by Herlock Sholmes 12 hours ago.

Most Popular Threads:
Scene of the Crimes: Broad Shoulders, Elizabeth's Killer ? - (31 posts)
Pub Talk: Study Shows Reducing 20 Ounce Pint of Beer Would Have Great Health Impacts in UK - (9 posts)
Non-Fiction: New Edition of "Naming Jack the Ripper" by Russell Edwards - (8 posts)
Mary Ann Nichols: Polly’s jolly bonnet - (8 posts)
General Suspect Discussion: "Puckeridge" - (8 posts)
Pub Talk: Great Gig Tonight - (7 posts)

Scientific Analysis of the 'Maybrick Watch'

Three reports from testing performed on the alleged 'Maybrick Watch' performed between August 1993 and January 1994. These reports were graciously supplied to us by Caroline Morris.

Related pages:
  James Maybrick
       Authors: An Interview with David Maybrick 
       Dissertations: Bravo for Maybrick 
       Dissertations: Bristol University Surface Analysis of Maybrick Watch - 3... 
       Dissertations: Dear Diary 
       Dissertations: Turgoose Report on the Maybrick Watch - 23 August 1993 
       Message Boards: James Maybrick 
       Press Reports: Marion Daily Star - 7 December 1889 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 20 May 1889 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 28 May 1889 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 29 May 1889 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 6 June 1889 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 7 June 1889 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide - James Maybrick 
       Ripper Media: The Ripper Diary: The Inside Story 
       Suspects: Background of the Maybrick Family 
       Suspects: James Maybrick - Index 
       Suspects: Photographs of Battlecrease Mansion 
       Suspects: Photographs of the Maybrick Grave 
  Maybrick Diary
       Dissertations: 5th Int. Investigative Psychology Conf. 
       Dissertations: A Final Response to Mr. Harris 
       Dissertations: A Guide through the Labyrinth 
       Dissertations: A Nest of Forgers 
       Dissertations: An Article by Richard Scheib 
       Dissertations: An Article by Steven Fern 
       Dissertations: Facts Please, Not Fallacies! 
       Dissertations: Maybrick Hoax: Donald McCormick's Legacy 
       Dissertations: Maybrick Hoax: More Futile Floundering 
       Dissertations: Maybrick Hoax: Some Extra Guidance 
       Dissertations: Maybrick Hoax: The Roots File 
       Dissertations: Maybrick Hoax: Yet More Unacceptable Ploys 
       Dissertations: Platt Diary Report 
       Dissertations: Reflections on the Ripperologist Interview 
       Dissertations: The Caution was Given 
       Dissertations: The Maybrick Diary Analysis 
       Dissertations: The Maybrick Diary Ink 
       Dissertations: The Maybrick Diary Paper 
       Dissertations: The Maybrick Hoax: A Fact File 
       Dissertations: The Maybrick Hoax: Evasions are Valueless 
       Dissertations: The Ripperologist Interview 
       Dissertations: Where was the Caution? 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: The Final Chapter 
       Ripper Media: The Diary of Jack the Ripper 
       Suspects: Michael Barretts Confessions 
       Suspects: Michael Barretts Confessions - January 25 1995 
       Suspects: Michael Barretts Confessions - January 5 1995 
       Suspects: Photographs of the Maybrick Diary 
  Maybrick Watch Reports
       Dissertations: Turgoose Report on the Maybrick Watch - 10 August 1993