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Times (London)
4 June 1888


35 Finsbury Square.

Patron - H.R.H. The Prince of Wales K.G.

President - The Right Hon. Lord Ebury P.C.

The Eighty First Annual Festival will take place at the Albion, Aldersgate Street, on Thursday, June 7th.

John Norbury Esq., Treasurer, in the Chair.

Dinner on table at 5 for half past 6 p.m. precisely.


The Right Honourable Lord Ebury (President)

(A list of stewards follows)

This useful charity has been established over three quarters of a century. Its importance to the suffering poor of both sexes and all ages may be gathered from the fact that 435,749 have been already relieved (9,311 in 1887.) The proportion of aggravated cases to simple cases is larger than it was formerly; hence more expensive instruments are required, greater cost is entailed, and increased funds are needed.

Subscriptions and donations in aid will be thankfully received by any of the above stewards, or by the Secretary at the Institution, 35 Finsbury Square.

May 23rd, 1888
John Whittington, Secretary.

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