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Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel
Indiana, USA
11 January 1902


The London papers are commenting on the extraordinary numbers of applicants for the place made vacant by the death of James Billington, for nine years public hangman. Although the place carries no regular salary over 300 men have asked for it. In this connection it is stated that Billington believed that he had executed the notorious Jack the Ripper. He declared that Dr. Neill Cream, the notorious poisoner, said on the scaffold: "I am Jack ......."

Before he could get any further Billington pulled the bolt, and Cream was no more. Billington, however, was convinced that had he waited a second longer the words "... the Ripper" would have been uttered.

The mutilation of the Whitechapel victims was apparently done by a hand skilled, to some extent, in surgery, and certainly after Dr. Cream's death the crimes ceased.

Related pages:
  Neill Cream
       Authors: Obituaries - Donald Bell 
       Message Boards: Dr. Thomas Neill Cream 
       Press Reports: Qu'Appelle Vidette - 21 July 1892 
       Press Reports: Times - 12 March 1985 
       Press Reports: Ubyssey - 2 February 1979 
       Press Reports: Washington Post - 21 October 1910 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide - Dr. Thomas Neill Cream 
       Ripper Media: More Studies in Murder 
       Ripper Media: Prescription for Murder: The Victorian Serial Killings of... 
       Suspects: Dr. Thomas Neill Cream