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Lechmere/Cross, Charles: Charles Lechmere: Prototypical Life of a Serial Killer - by FISHY1118 3 hours ago.
Lechmere/Cross, Charles: Charles Lechmere: Prototypical Life of a Serial Killer - by FISHY1118 3 hours ago.
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The Daily Telegraph

Page 3

JEWISH WORKING MEN'S CLUB AND LADS' INSTITUTE. - Established eighteen years ago, this institute, situate in Great Alie-street, Aldgate, contains about 1,300 members, both male and female, the object being to afford to the Jewish industrial classes the means of social intercourse, mutual helpfulness, mental and moral improvement, and rational recreation. There was a large gathering at the club last night, when Mr. Samuel Montagu, M.P., the president, distributed the prizes which had been won in swimming and other contests, the hon. gentleman, in the course of a humorous speech, remarking that, as a rule, Jews were good swimmers, having a special aptitude for rising to the surface and making progress. Subsequently certificates were awarded to nearly fifty members of both sexes who, in connection with classes established only a year since, had passed the examination of the St. John Ambulance Association. This task was performed by Sir Vincent Kennett-Barrington, who delivered an interesting address, explaining the origin and organisation of the association. The society had, he stated, no less than 270 administrative centres in various parts of the Empire, and during the last seven years 150,000 persons had gained certificates through its classes. The statistics of fatal and serious accidents in mines and on railways were formally appalling, but the value of the work of the association was being increasingly recognised by the mine-owners and railway companies throughout the kingdom, with the result of a corresponding alleviation of human suffering. Mr. Montagu also spoke in warm terms of approval regarding the society, and expressed a hope that the club classes would be attended with every success.

Page 5

THE EAST-END MURDERS. - The Central News learns that a private detective has submitted to the Scotland-yard authorities information of a most valuable character in connection with the personality of the Whitechapel murderer.