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Alaska Citizen (Fairbanks, Alaska, U.S.A.)
January 22 1912


With a reward of $1,200 notwithstanding, following a big mass meeting of negroes held in the Big Bethel church, negro ministers and church workers generally will wage a vigorous and systematic campaign for the protection of negro women and for the capture of the elusive multi-murderer - the mysterious Jack the Ripper - who has already slain 13 negro women.

In order to stress the seriousness of the situation and impress it on the negroes, special sermons will be preached in all negro churches, probably next Sunday, on the dangers to negro women by reason of the crimes of Jack the Ripper. If all the negro ministers can be notified this week, the special sermons will be definitely announced for next Sunday. The campaign, however, will not be confined to the church congregations. As there are hundreds of negroes who could not be reached in this way, the minsters will go out through the negro quarters and preach to the negroes in the streets and in their homes, warning the women to be careful and remain off the streets at night.

Related pages:
  Atlanta Ripper
       Press Reports: Alaska Citizen - 22 January 1912 
       Press Reports: Atlanta Constitution - 12 July 1911 
       Press Reports: Atlanta Constitution - 13 July 1911 
       Press Reports: Frederick Evening Post - 12 January 1912 
       Press Reports: Sheboygan Press - 27 June 1911 
       Press Reports: Williamsport Sunday Grit - 21 April 1912 

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