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** This is an archived, static copy of the Casebook messages boards dating from 1998 to 2003. These threads cannot be replied to here. If you want to participate in our current forums please go to **


Casebook Message Boards: General Discussion: Miscellaneous: Intervals
Author: Diana
Sunday, 12 January 2003 - 08:17 am
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I am no expert but I had gotten the impression that with SKs the compulsion tends to grow. They need to kill more and more often. The killing rises to a crescendo and then they are caught or killed. Looking at the dates of the five canonicals gives rise to three intervals: 8 days, 22 days, and 40 days. Instead the killings were coming farther and farther apart. What if Jack was known to be not right in the head by those around him ie relatives, friends etc. What if they suspected that he was not safe to be let out. I am going to suggest a hypothetical person whom I will label "the keeper". This person had the responsibility of watching Jack and was pretty good at it, but such a job would be stressful and exhausting and he would occasionally need a break. Weekends and bank holidays would be his time off. Whoever filled in for this person would not be as skilled at first and so you see a pattern of "escapes". As the substitute got better at his job the escapes happened less and less often.

Author: David Jetson
Sunday, 12 January 2003 - 10:49 am
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This is one of those things that's usually true, but not always. Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper, seems to have stopped attacking women for a year when he got frightened that he would be caught.

Serial killers have also been known to change their MO to "disguise" their crimes when they've felt endangered.

Most people seem to think that a serial killer is a sort of automaton, who keeps repeating the same crime over and over. It isn't as simple as that. SKs have been known to change their style, and they have been known to "take a break."

Tuesday, 14 January 2003 - 07:50 am
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Your point regarding the possibility of Jack having a "keeper" is in my opiniom a perfectly valid one. It is entirely possible that a tightly knit community like the east end Jews who had a fear and loathing of the police would close ranks rather than give up one of their own no matter how heinous his crimes.

Elsewhere on the boards I have alluded to the case of Brooklyn's Murder inc of the 1930s & 40s.
This gang of almost exclusively Jewish hoodlums carried out literally hundreds of murders before being sold out from among their own ranks. They were able to carry on with impunity for years partly because of the fear with which they were regarded but also because they were part of the Jewish community in a gentile land.

It makes a lot of sense that the elusive Jack evaded all pursuers, if we consider that he had assistance, or at least that witnesses to his sojurns were reluctant to come forward.


Author: Diana
Tuesday, 14 January 2003 - 08:57 am
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Of course that would be true no matter where or when you have an oppressed ethnic minority no matter what ethnic group you are talking about. Jews are no more psychopathic or violent than any other group. The fact that JTR has a good chance of being Jewish stems from the ethnic makeup of Whitechapel at the time, not from any deficiency in the Jewish race or culture.

Tuesday, 14 January 2003 - 10:40 am
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As I say, a group "LIKE" east end jews. i.e any minority, especially in apalling circumstances.

Please dont have the debates we enjoy on these boards stifled through fear of being politically incorrect.


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