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Howard Brown
Username: Howard

Post Number: 442
Registered: 7-2004
Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 7:20 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

This thread will contain materials on RDS' experiences with the British Legion during the 1860 campaign led by Giuseppe Garibaldi.

Chris Scott has found the following materials below....




The London papers contain the following advertisement:

"A select part of excursionists intend to visit South Italy. As the country is somewhat unsettled, the excursionists will be furnished with means of self-defense, and with a view of recognizing each other, will be attired in a picturesque and uniform costume. General Garibaldi has liberally granted the excursionists a free passage to Sicily and Italy, and they will be supplied with refreshments and attire suitable for the climate. Information to be obtained at Captain Edward Styles' offices, No. 8 Salisbury Street, London, W. C. All persons desirous of joining the excursion, or willing to aid the same with their subscriptions, are requested to communicate immediately with the Committee of the Garibaldi Fund, at No. 8 Salisbury Street, Strand, London."

In answer to the numerous applications for information which are made by letter, a copy of the following circular is sent to each applicant:


"SIR, - In reply to your letter of the ____ inst., I beg to forward you the following particulars:

"1. The English excursionists will be provided with free passage, costume, means of self-defense, and all necessary provisions during the voyage, and satisfactory person provisions will commence from the day they land.

"2. You can leave the English excursionists at any moment; but should you do so before their return to England, no claim will exist to any of the advantages which may fall to others.
"3. A personal interview is imperative, when you can learn all further particulars.

"The excursionists expect to leave within ___ days from this date. Three days' notice will be given to those going.

"Yours faithfully,
"EDWARD STYLES, Captain, Garibaldi's Staff"

The most remarkable offer made to the committee in London is one by a gentleman residing in the neighborhood of Lytham. He says that, if made Colonel, he would equip 800 men, and land them at any point which Garibaldi might wish.



The correspondent of the Daily News says that on the 19th the British Legion were under fire for the first time. The Royalists came out in strong force, and the English were opposed to them, and drove them before them within the walls of Capua. Eight of the Legion were killed, and thirty wounded.

The Journal des Debats says: "The British Legion is immediately attached to Garibaldi. Garibaldi reviewed the men. In the name of Italy he thanked England, in the person of her volunteers, for the great sacrifice she made in men, arms, and money, to uphold the cause of national independence; and concluded by saying it was the proudest moment of his life that he had under his command, and for his support, a legion of the free children of England."

Details of a book:
Larmuth (George Horatio, Lance Corporal, volunteer in Garibaldi's army) My Adventures with the British Legion in Italy
, watercolour and ink calligraphic title and 36pp. excluding blanks, original half morocco, gilt, slightly rubbed, [November 1860]; and a copy of Drill and Rifle Instruction ……, issued to and signed by Larmuth, sm. 4to & 8vo (2). ££200 - ££300 Larmuth, asking for twelve months leave from the 1st Manchester Volunteers set off to join Garibaldi on his great quest to unify Italy. Travelling from Staffordshire, Larmuth went to London where he made contact with Garibaldi's London adherents and joined the newly formed British Legion. From their he and several others went by paddle steamer to Gibraltar where some of the men mutinied and sailed to Algiers. The remaining men landed at Naples where Larmuth comments on the Italian character and after a short stay, the men were issued with rifles and moved to Casenta where they met Garibaldi. The men of his army, including the British Legion paraded for him and he seemed well pleased but sad, so thought Larmuth, though he looked well and carried himself in an upright manner. They were ordered into battle [Volturno]: ““My company got orders to charge. We fixed bayonets, ran past the Italian troops, who were laying down by the hedge, we pursued them, then down the trench, and up again on the other side, and found ourselves within stones throw from two Neapolitan Batteries on earthworks., we got pretty well shelled, and layed down…… waiting. The enemy in front. So ended the first and last engagement of the British Legion.””

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